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Refund and Returns Policy

You may request to return the merchandise for a refund within 30 days of the invoice date.

A request for return may be submitted by contacting your Account Manager or email us directly at

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging. Custom made and special order items cannot be cancelled or returned. Discontinued items and sale items cannot be returned.

All returns must include original packaging. Missing parts and/or manuals will result in partial refund. Final credit from return will be determined after the returned product is inspected.

Customers are responsible for the costs of shipping back return products with their preferred carriers. WORLD SMART LED LLC is not responsible for any damaged or lost items while in transit to our facilities.
Once we have received and inspected your returned item, a notification will be emailed to confirm the return has been completed. Final credit or refund will be determined, and a refund will then be issued on the original form of payment or as a credit in the account to be used for future purchases, please allow one to two billing cycles for the credit to be reflected on your statement.

WORLD SMART LED reserves the right to modify this return policy from time to time. Any modification of this return policy shall be effective for all orders placed with WORLD SMART LED LLC on or after the effective date of revised return policy.

Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.